
Blatant Racism on British TV

Watched Netflix original series SAFE yesterday. The series keep you hooked through out and you are left with a new suspect in each episode. Performance is good. But my problem is the shameless racist portrayal of people of colour in this series. The Marshalls is a family where White man married to a brown woman, having a tantrum throwing, mean and selfish daughter Sia. Sia is a typical teengae bitch, who sells drugs at her party. Then there is the black kid Mike, who makes fun of one of Chris Chahal's mum and calls her MILF who sleeps around with her students. The princhipal of the school is an Asian. He threatens to take action against a suspended teacher who has come to watch her daughter perform in the school choir. We feel bad for the teaher and anger on the insensitivity of the headteacher. Teacher's husband just has to growl and the headteacher quckly backs off. That is how a brown head of the institution behaves! Here the mum is white BUT French (not English). Then another suspect Helen is black and she is shown as a hoarder. The viewers feel disgust at the Marshalls' attempts to dispose of Chris Chahal's body and how they try to cover up their actions. Even afterit becomes clear that Marshalls are not gulity of the murder, we are still disgusted with them and Sia in particular. But when the murderer is revealed, they are shown repenting ( even after causing double murder) and we really feel sympathetic towards them. Why is it that people of colour has to be shown in negative roles to portray the modern diverse British society?

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