Last week my husband's colleague's mother came to stay with us,as the girl had to go to London for some training. Now her mother is very fond of watching Balkia Vadhu, and she insisted that I watch should watch it too. I am not that great a fan of Indian soap operas.After she had finished watching her favorite show, I decided to watch Madagascar: Escape to Africa. And I couldn't find any link to watch it online for free!Can you believe it? I mean there are sites which claim to provide free movies, but actually direct you to other links but all of them lead to a particular site which require you to download their toolbar. I don't trust such sites.So I went on to my search for Madagascar, and landed on Its a site where you can watch movies online for free.You can and download movies too. The site provides links to watch the movies. There are many TV shows also to watch. You also have different sections like Mistakes, Trivia, Soundtrack, etc. to give you additional information about the movie or the show you want to watch.
The one category which I found cool, is called
knots, It basically tells you how many times a particular movie had been referenced in other movies or which movies make a dig at this film. You will also find latest news related to celebrities and movies here.
How the site works: You search for a movie by typing the name of the movie, you are taken to overview page where you get the summary of the movie. On the upper right corner you will find an icon Watch Online. I think this icon should be placed below the image of the movie, so that the first timers or the ones who have landed on the site through search engines, don't find it an uphill task to find the link. The links are for watching the movie online as well as for downloading it. I give a thumbs up to, because only this site provided me the link to my daughter's favorite movie " Finding Nemo." I couldn't find a single link elsewhere, and was thinking of downloading a torrent ( again a very risky procedure, you never know if the file is infected) before I found it on MoviesPlanet.